When your green card application is approved, you will normally be issued a Social Security number (SSN) and card as well. You may then work legally in the United States.
However, this can depend on your specific circumstances as discussed below:
If you entered the United States on an immigrant visa issued by a US Embassy or Consulate abroad:
- As part of your visa application, you were given the opportunity to request a Social Security number and card. (US Department of State Form DS-260, Online Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application)
- If you requested a Social Security number on your visa application, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will assign you a Social Security number and send you a card after you arrive in the United States.
If you did not request a Social Security number when you applied for your immigrant visa abroad:
- you must go to a Social Security office to apply for a Social Security number and card as soon as you have a permanent address in the United States. There, a Social Security representative will help you complete the application.
- If the Social Security Administration has all the documents it needs to process your application,
- You should receive your Social Security card within two weeks of your application.
- It may take longer if the Social Security Administration needs to verify any documents you present
- Please be sure to bring the following documents with you for your appointment at the Social Security office:
- Your green card (permanent resident card)
- your valid original passport with your machine-readable immigrant visa (MRIV)
- Your original birth certificate (with accompanying English translation, if applicable)
- birth certificates for each member of your family who needs a Social Security number and card
If you applied for your green card (Legal Permanent Residency) from within the United States by filing Form I-485: (Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status)
- you were given the option to request a Social Security number and card as part of your Adjustment of Status application.
If your green card application is approved and you did request a Social Security number and card with on Form I-485:
- You will automatically receive an unrestricted Social Security card.
- This card proves your eligibility to work in the United States.
If you have questions or concerns on this topic, please visit your local Social Security office. In most cases they will be able to resolve your issue.
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